With over 40 years in business, there isn't much we haven't seen or worked on. At FIBA Canning Inc. we stay diverse while also servicing some very niche markets. The following examples reflect some of the common services and products provided.

Tube Trailers
With our extensive knowledge, top tier build quality and long standing reputation, we can build you anything from the world’s largest tube trailer to a mini unit. Not in the market for a new trailer? No problem, we can rehab your unit bringing it up to current spec. or offer a refurbished unit.
Specialty Gas Units
We repair, re-test and remount Argon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide delivery units. Given the nature of this industry, we understand how crucial it is that your unit operate properly and consistently. We work closely with the OEM to ensure the highest level of service.
Tube and Cylinder Testing
We perform Hydrostatic, Ultrasonic and Acoustic Emission testing at our facility. By performing these services in house, we can oversee the entire process ensuring the utmost quality control while getting immediate results. We also offer mobile A.E. testing.

Tank Trucks / Trailers
Whether you are looking for a new unit, used, or want to remount your current tank, we represent the best tank builders in the industry and take pride in our builds.

Vacuum Trucks
We supply new units, re-test and service all makes and models of vacuum trucks. Bring your unit by for trusted repairs or contact us for a new build quote.

T.C., D.O.T. and IBC
We offer Transport Canada, U.S. D.O.T. and IBC inspections along with our fully accredited mechanical shop to keep your equipment safe and compliant.
Street Flushers
Offering steel tanks, aluminum tanks and even stainless steel tanks, we will be sure to meet your needs. Looking to rehab your current or recently acquired unit? We can help! We also sell used and refurbished trucks.

Sandblast and Body Shop
Using some of the best products on the market, we can restore your equipment back to its former glory. Have a new piece of equipment that needs a colour change? Bring it to the experts at FIBA for a quality job.

Specialty Tankers
Looking for an asphalt, chemical or dry bulk tanker? We represent the biggest and best names in the industry. From off the production line to a custom build, we have you covered.